Zero Day by Mark Russinovich and Howard Schmidt

I recently finished readingĀ Zero Day (Amazon affiliate link). Over all I liked the concept. The end was interesting but easy to see coming. The biggest issue I had with the book though was it came off under-researched when it came to the cultures.

The portrayal of foreign cultures in the book were very stereotypical of what we’ve seen from American propaganda, known as television and movies. It doesn’t fit with other books that I’ve read that have taken place in those cultures. Mostly they have been non-fiction and travel books.

Over all the story was pretty good, but the they were not as good as Daniel Saurez‘s books, I’m not sure if I’m going to get the book by Mark Russinovich yet.

I like the fact that we’re seeing more techno-thrillers coming on to the market, especially since they’re written by people that know the technology. They’re good reads, for general mass market reads. It also makes what we do accessible to people outside of our industry.

* Update 2024-10-05: changed to Amazon Affiliate Link, which I earn a commission from qualifying purchases.

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