I’ll be presenting at Circle City Con this year, on Wireless Intrusion Detection with the Raspberry Pi. I’ve done some test runs of the talk, and have ended with people wanting to contact me later if they have questions. Mainly if they get stuck. Also one of the comments from the reviewers when I submitted my talk was this would be better as a training class.
After talking to one of the organizers, here is how this is going to work. Currently I’m scheduled to talk on Saturday. After my talk, through the end of the Conference I can be available (as long as I’m not in a training sessions) to use some of the the common / lobby area to work with people wanting to set up the wireless drones, what kismet calls sensors.
What you will need:
- A laptop that can run Kismet, with kismet already installed.
- 1 or 2 Raspberry Pi B+ or Pi 2, with Kali and kismet installed. (have to add kismet, not installed by default).
- TP-Link TL-WN722N Wireless adapter, 1 for each of your Pi.
- a portable switch (5 to 8 ports) 10/100 is fine.
- Network cables for the Raspberry Pis, and your computer. I usually use 2 100 foot cables for the Raspberry Pi, with a 25 foot or less for my laptop.
- Power for the Raspberry Pi (I like the EasyAcc 5000mAh power banks, needs 2.1A output)
You can use other Raspberry Pi distros, but I chose Kali so I didn’t have to recompile the drivers for the network card. You will need to SSH, start kismet as a server, and modify the configurations on the laptop. You’ll need to connect to your Rpi, modify configs, install kismet . I would be best to do the majority of the base set up (install OS, run rpi-update (haven’t tried yet under kali but suppose to fix firmware issue), install the required software and set up static IP addresses) prior to the Conference.