I’ve mentioned Justin Seitz’s Automating OSINT before, talking about the Python course. I recently signed up for the Master Course. I only had the money for it due to work reimbursing for me for UMUC CSEC620, and I decided to use a little of that money for self study, not just the next CSEC course.
Being mostly burnt out from work, I haven’t gotten in to it very much. But I know some of what I learn will help me with the stuff I’m doing for work. Right now, I’m pretty much where the “extras” from the last class left off. Which puts me in the middle of the first module.
One thing I noted different this time, is that instead of multiple choice questions for the unit tests, the student actually has to submit the program for review. That’s pretty cool, but probably means it takes longer to get a reply.
I also know I forgot some of what I learned last time from lack of use. But I still have access to that. I’m also noting that Python and CSV is a better option than Python and Excel. But to be honest it’s the Excel I have to work with, so I will learn that as I go.