—- TL/DR —-
If you want to connect a raspberry pi to a hidden access point your wpa_supplicant.conf needs to have the following in the network statement.
network{ ssid="YOUR NETWORK NAME" psk="YOUR ASCII KEY HERE" ssid_scan=1 } |
Don’t put a ” or a ) in your ASCII PSK it causes problems. I couldn’t get it to work with the hex psk using wpa_passphrase but I broke the rules of troubleshooting making multiple changes at a time instead of one and resetting it.
—– End TL/DR —-
I got a new phone. Nexus 5x. But this isn’t what this post is about. My SO got a new phone last August. It was an unplanned by after the last one went for a porta-john swim. Again. not what this is about.
A co-worker suggested setting up a NAS to back up the pictures to. Being a poor college student, yes still grad school isn’t cheap, that really isn’t an option. Then he said well if it’s just the phones, why not use one of your Raspberry Pis?
The problem is getting the wpa_suplicant.conf file talking. It has taken me 2 days. Mainly because I don’t mess with that file much.
it hated my passphrase because of the ” and the ) in the middle example:
I tried wpa_passphrase with the file, but it didn’t like that either. (although I kind of want to go back and test it again, in case I missed something.
Which I couldn’t find out until after I set the AP to broadcast. So after more digging I found that
scan_ssid=1 has to be in the config.
Sigh. This is taking way longer than need be, and I’d just wire it, but it’s going to not be near the cables, because of power.