Thinking about the devices that are supposed to make it possible for Tor user friendly for mass market consumers. These are boxes like the Onion Pi, Anonabox, TorFI, Cloak, etc. I think the designers are missing a few things.
Tag Archives: raspberry pi
Raspberry Pi projects
Back in May and June, I did a project for school with 6 Raspberry Pis to build a WIDs. It went good. I wrote an article, I’m waiting to hear back if it’ll get published.
After the project, I had 6 Raspberry Pis kicking around. I have a project I want to work on, that could lead to another article. I just need to build my skills up to that first.
To get there, I wanted to build an Onion Pi. This will tie in to another project I’m working on. As some of you know I’m a fan of The Onion Router (TOR), especially when I’m doing Intelligence related research. The Onion Pi would be a good thing to have in the bag of tricks.
To get the Onion Pi working, I needed to go through the Adafruit Wifi Access Point. This is the second time I build an AP. This one is just a little different than last time. This time instead of an Edimax wireless card, I went with one of my TP Link TL-WN722Ns. I wanted the external antenna. I was using the 2014-09-09_wheezy_raspbian image.
Hostapd didn’t work right. It kept throwing errors on start about nl80211 not being a known driver. I had to build hostapd from source, which needed to have libssl-dev and libnl-1.1 installed, to get hostpad to build right. Then I needed to copy my built version into the right place.
I also had problems with isc-dhcp-server and tor starting. It looks like wlan0 isn’t starting properly. I’ll have to troubleshoot it more later. Adafruit has a comment about disabling wpa_supplicant. I don’t know if that will fix the problem though. I’ll follow up after.
using 1000 mA to power Raspberry Pi and TL-WN722N
I’m working on a project using the Raspberry Pi. The requirement was that I use the TP-LINK TL-WN722N, actually I just needed a wireless adapter with an external antenna. When I found the TL-WN722N on Amazon, the reviews said people were having no problems plugging the device straight in to the Raspberry Pi.
While researching things today, I came across this penetration testing article by Cyber Arms. There, and several places on the Raspberry Pi forums it said that people needed to use 2.1 amp usb chargers. The others wouldn’t do what was needed with the Pi, and the wireless adapter plugged in. So I went out and got 3, 2.1 amp plugs, when I bought extra Raspberry Pi units.
I’ve done some testing with the power cables I got last time. the standard 5v, 1000 mA (1 amp) ones, and it ran the plug for the wireless keyboard remote (small keyobard) and the wireless adapter, with no problem.
Here is the one I got, it’s made in China, and sold via MCM. Sorry about the flash on the photo, but that was the best one I got after 10 tries.