Tag Archives: tools

Parts list for Circle City Con’s SDR talk

I’ll be teaching an Introductory class at Circle City Con this year, on Software Defined Radio.

Introduction to Software Defined Radio with the RTL-SDR on Windows and the Raspberry Pi 2

4-hour introduction to Software Defined Radio, using the RTL2832U chipset, covering both Microsoft Windows and the Raspberry Pi. We will be going over how to track airplanes, scan radio frequencies to find people talking, and covering a little radio theory. Covering RTL-SDR due to the cost of equipment. A list can be provided to students prior to the course.

Here is the part list you’ll need if you’re taking the class (Note the links got to RTL-SDR.com, Amazon, or Ada Fruit, and I am not associated with either of them). If you can get parts elsewhere that is fine :

All the RTL-SDR dong’es with antennas I’ve gotten so far have had magnetic mounts, and you need a ground plane for them to work right.

Raspberry Pi WPA_Supplicant setup taking way longer than it should

—- TL/DR —-
If you want to connect a raspberry pi to a hidden access point your wpa_supplicant.conf needs to have the following in the network statement.

Don’t put a ” or a ) in your ASCII PSK it causes problems. I couldn’t get it to work with the hex psk using wpa_passphrase but I broke the rules of troubleshooting making multiple changes at a time instead of one and resetting it.

—– End TL/DR —-

I got a new phone. Nexus 5x.  But this isn’t what this post is about. My SO got a new phone last August. It was an unplanned by after the last one went for a porta-john swim. Again. not what this is about.

A co-worker suggested setting up a NAS to back up the pictures to. Being a poor college student, yes still grad school isn’t cheap, that really isn’t an option. Then he said well if it’s just the phones, why not use one of your Raspberry Pis?

The problem is getting the wpa_suplicant.conf file talking. It has taken me 2 days. Mainly because I don’t mess with that file much.

it hated my passphrase because of the ” and the ) in the middle example:

I tried wpa_passphrase with the file, but it didn’t like that either. (although I kind of want to go back and test it again, in case I missed something.

Which I couldn’t find out until after I set the AP to broadcast. So after more digging I found that

scan_ssid=1 has to be in the config.

Sigh. This is taking way longer than need be, and I’d just wire it, but it’s going to not be near the cables, because of power.

It’s all about the pcaps baby

So my android phone as an interesting problem, granted it’s an S4, running not the latest build so I don’t know if that problem still exists. Apparently the way the default mail application is set up, it can’t sync the mailboxes unless the Sync button is turned on. But that doesn’t stop that the mail application from trying to sync on a schedule.

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Book Review: The Complete Guide to Shodan

I’ve stumbled around with Shodan.io for a while now. It’s a great tool, but using it effectively has always eluded me. John Matherly has given me some great advice on twitter, and I like Daniel Miessler’s Shodan Primer. But I never really find the information I need at the time.

While I know it is great to find webcams and spying Super Gnomes, that is just something I don’t use Shodan for. A lot of the reason I use Shodan lately is for work. Usually someone in management asks will if anyone knows what Shodan knows about the company. Which of our systems are listed on there.

Today while stumbling around trying to look up the company name and the netblocks, and using Dan’s cheatsheet (linked above), I noticed a new link on the page. Book.

This link goes to Lean Pub’s “The Complete Guide to Shodan” by John Matherly. It is a pay what you want book. They suggest just under $5.00 USD, for the 60 page booklet. I’m saying it’s worth more than that. I paid $10.00, which I still think is too low for this book.

The book can be delivered to your Kindle or downloaded as a pdf, an Epub, or Mobi file. I grabbed the PDF and Kindle copies of the file (too small to read on my phone and never figured out how to get it to show up in the Kindle Cloud reader).

This book is divided up in to Web Interface, External Tools (like the linux command line), Developer API, Industrial Control Systems, Appendices, and Exercise Solution.

There are exercises at the end of the Web Interface, External Tools, and API sections. Not all of them worked the way they were described in the book. For example I couldn’t find the Rastalvskarn Powerplant, even though it shows up with the link in the solution section.

I’ve read some documents on the API and struggled to get them to work. After reading the book, while I still have some questions, I know I can write the Network Alert that management wants.

Get this book, it’s worth more than anything you’ll pay for it. While it is only just over 60 pages, the content is great! Especially especially the Filter list in Appendix B.

p.s. It is worth getting an account, and paying for access.


Oh look HTTPS

Testing out Let’s Encrypt public beta. My thoughts so far:

90 days for the SSL certificate. Does that mean we’ll be seeing spammers setting these up to make their sites look more legit?

Mainly made for HTTPS on web servers. There is a walk through on making it work with email, using links, and some other dark Unix magic (what not everyone is running a linux mail server?). I saw a file for exchange but that’s not my cup of tea. It also brings up that whole 90 days thing again. So for now my mail server has something else.

So while the SSL Cert is good for 90 days, they tell you to update it every 60. Can’t wait to try that in 2 months. (that was sarcasm).

To be honest though, I do like the idea of Let’s Encrypt. I like that it has Debian love and script to make magic happen in the background. Less fiddling under the hood. I like that you can set up either Secure only (all HTTPS all the time) or HTTP and HTTPS. This site used to use a self signed cert for Administration, but now it’s all SSL.

Hopefully in the future we can get at least 365 day certs, more services covered, and most importantly MORE PEOPLE ENCRYPTING their web traffic.

New and Improved WiFi Intrusion Detection System. Pi 2.

So my last post I was fighting the Raspberry Pi 2, with Kali Linux 2.0.1, when it came to starting kistmet_drone on boot. Ian had a work around, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted the built in tools to do their job. Well it turns out it’s a SystemD problem. I spent probably about 12 hours bashing my head against it, making changes and trying things.

Finally, I got smart with my Google searching, and found a slightly better way, but still didn’t want to call an external shell script. Then I spent time smacking my head on the desk. SSHD works, and starts by systemd, why not look at it’s config. Seriously the better you are at something, the less you think of the simple answers that made you good to start with.

2 new lines. One made SystemD wait until after networking was up. The second was a strange sshd -D option. man ssh. Oh doesn’t run ssh as a daemon…

remove –daemonize from Kismet… It worked.



Now to get everything ready before I leave for GrrCon in 17 hours, I’ll be presenting Saturday last I heard.

More on moving WIDS to the Raspberry Pi 2.

So I’m using the Raspberry Pi 2 and Kali 2 for this project so far. As I said last time, I had to expand the image to use the full disk. I have a script for that now. I was actually trying to script the whole deployment. These scrips can be found on my WIDS github repository. But fair warning they are still a work in process.

Continue reading

Moving WIDs to Raspi2.

So I tried to do this back in July but got sick. My next talk is at A2Y.asm on Sept 12, and rebuilding all the Pi2 again with Kali 2.0.1. I have litteraly spent most of the day trying to expand the root directory.

There is a tool called rpi-wiggle, that sounded really cool, but it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. It also didn’t work for the pi2 running Kali 2.0.1. After lots of searching, I found a forum post saying talking about it.

After running apt-get install triggerhappy lau5.1 (from Kali repos) and getting the Debian raspi-config file from Debian. It says it worked. I’m waiting for the reboot to know for sure.

And it worked. from console it says it has full space.

Now if I was making anything other than a drone, I’d run apt-get install kali-linux-full to get the whole Kali experience instead of the light version. But I’m making a drone. So here is what needs to be worked on before I start making images:

  • install: Kismet, NTP.
  • boot to cli instead of gui
  • change the root password
  • configure kismet
  • Clone
  • configure static ip, and daemon mode.

normally I’d disable ipv6, still might. but the ipv4 and ipv6 stacks are working well together right now. In the past they haven’t.

Updating talk

For Bsides, as mentioned earlier, I’m making some changes for the talk.

For Bsides Detroit I’m swapping out the original Raspberry Pi B devices from the project for the Raspberry Pi 2 B.

The first time I did this, with the RPi-B, I made one image got it working and then cloned it to the others. It caused minor problems with the wireless card naming. I also still had to touch them all to change names, static ip addresses, and the kismet configs.

This week there was a new version of Kali out for the Raspberry Pi 2 when I checked. So I downloaded it, patched it and installed the software. Then created the clone image.

I am going to have to touch each one anyway so figure I will just get the one image with the software, and then load each one and configure it.